A Better Way To Upgrade Your Teams' Decision Making

The #1 complaint by leaders today: their teams struggle to make independent decisions. This gets worse when surrounded by uncertainty and in today’s world, uncertainty is the new norm.

A Better Way To Upgrade Your Team's Decision Making

The #1 complaint by leaders today: their teams struggle to make independent decisions. This gets worse when surrounded by uncertainty and in today’s world, uncertainty is the new norm.

The real challenges faced by leaders every day, in every team, in every single organization

Growing their team - training their decision making & judgment

Decentralised decision making is required for teams to successfully navigate the growing uncertainty in the world – things are moving too fast to rely on 20th century hierarchical structures. Teams need to be able to use their heads to make independent decisions and not rely on authority driven decision.

Communication within your team - breaking organizational silence

People don’t speak up - for fear of being wrong and looking stupid, for rejection of their idea, for fear of retribution. People not speaking up also leads to accidents, missed opportunities and wasted energy.

A lack of feedback that’s truthful & authentic that gives real awareness to individuals about themselves and their work

Giving truth and seeking it is hard - it requires putting yourself in an uncomfortable situation for judgement. Especially between peers there is culture of niceness / inauthentic kindness meaning that the truth rarely comes out. Leading to 95% of people think they’re self-aware whereas in reality only 10-15% are – it then falls to the leader to provide awareness.

Teams and individuals burning out… because they haven’t grown

Studies from Harvard Business Review have shown the leading cause of burn out is not the number of hours worked, but the lack of growth people experience. Stagnation leads people to being unhappy in their current situation and often leaving their organizations in the hope of change. Investing in teams' growth and development is the top way to retain talent.

Training Programs

Our programs are designed specifically to increase self-awareness and actions in 2 key areas: getting truth (dial down organizational silence) and unlearning faulty catastrophic narratives. These are the biggest pitfalls of poor decision making (not able to get a real read of the situation and freezing in uncertainty)


Pre-Resiliency Training

PRT-A is designed to help teams to reduce behaviors that create silence in teams and organizations with each other – and start being more authentic, especially sharing critical feedback & speaking-up about difficult topics.

We do things every day that prevent other people from giving us the truth which is termed Red-Arrow Behaviors. PRT trains people to focus inward and DIAL DOWN these behaviors, in order to help teams navigate conflict, build more authentic relationships.

Here are common examples of Red Arrow Behaviors, but each person has their own unique RABs.

  • I say, "I'm trying my best"
  • I say, "I got it"
  • I say, "I'm good"
  • I say, "I'm fine"

Requirements: n/a
Duration: 13-week (1-hour per week)


Pre-Risk Taking

PRT-B focuses on reducing the ingrained behaviors that make it difficult for teams to take risks.

When it comes to judgement, individuals’ ability to pattern recognize is a double-edged sword. Communications can often be misunderstood, project hiccups can be over-extrapolated to impending failures. We can repeatedly recognize the wrong negative patterns in everyday work.

PRT-B helps team to look back at the past, get to the root of these patterns and start to take action to dial them down. In groups, this can help improving future outlook, empowering innovation and taking risks as a team

Requirements: Graduated from PRT-A
Duration: 13-week (1-hour per week)

Discover the Science & Technology Behind our Program

Step 1 for leadership

The first part of leadership is being super self-aware. If you are not aware of your own blind spots and biases, you cannot impact, influence, or do any work with other people.

No growth leads to burnout

The human brain is wired to grow. If it doesn't grow, it feels burnout. The human brain is also wired to protect us so when we feel ashamed and insecure when things aren't going well, our ego takes over and contradicts the desire to grow.

How to train for resilience?

We have become so good at looking around corners of any criticism that we all have built-in protective mechanisms - behaviors that say "I'm going to make it very painful and very difficult for you to tell me the truth".

How we waste brainpower?

We are built and wired to fear making mistakes. We are bracing, waiting, and looking for something to go wrong; and that drains our energy.

Upgrade Individuals. Transform Teams.

Here are stories of people that have gone through our training programs on their journey to become better decision makers

"Develop a growth mindset"

"Meaningful interactions with my team"

Basically, what I've personally experienced and what I've seen in my Pre-Resiliency Training groups is that participants develop a more growth-oriented mindset. This mindset upgrades sense and decision-making in every aspect of participants' lives. The highest praise I have for Pre-Resiliency Training is that my wife says I'm a better husband and father when I'm in a Pre-Resiliency Training group.

Pre-Resiliency Training has changed not only my professional life and strategic thinking; it has also made me a better person all around. I'm grateful for the ability to get out of my head and focus my energy on making positive life changes instead of burning myself out. I have more meaningful interactions with my team and in my personal life.

Josh Hurt

Performance and Talent Development Specialist, Rice University

Lindsay Jencsik

Chief Operations Officer, Infotek Consulting

"Meaningful interactions with my team"

Pre-Resiliency Training has changed not only my professional life and strategic thinking; it has also made me a better person all around. I'm grateful for the ability to get out of my head and focus my energy on making positive life changes instead of burning myself out. I have more meaningful interactions with my team and in my personal life.

Lindsay Jencsik

Chief Operations Officer, Infotek Consulting

"Tackle emotional hurdles"

"Dial down anxiety"

The experience has been life-changing. I’ve improved my management, communication, and leadership skills drastically, and my life has improved qualitatively because of that. We’ve tackled my own emotional hurdles that were holding me back from leading my team to their true potential. I couldn’t possibly recommend this highly enough for leaders.

I took this program with my supervisor and my co-worker. I feel as though I am no longer worrying, guessing or paranoid about many things with these people, as the truth is expected from them and myself. The red arrow behaviour that was dialled down the most is definitely anxiety with the tremendous waste of energy that coincides with that. Huge win!

Nick Habich

CEO, Shark Bite Fitness and Nutrition

Brian Zancewicz

Head Coach, Prototype Training Systems

"Dial down anxiety"

The experience has been life-changing. I’ve improved my management, communication, and leadership skills drastically, and my life has improved qualitatively because of that. We’ve tackled my own emotional hurdles that were holding me back from leading my team to their true potential. I couldn’t possibly recommend this highly enough for leaders.

I took this program with my supervisor and my co-worker. I feel as though I am no longer worrying, guessing or paranoid about many things with these people, as the truth is expected from them and myself. The red arrow behaviour that was dialled down the most is definitely anxiety with the tremendous waste of energy that coincides with that. Huge win!

Brian Zancewicz

Head Coach, Prototype Training Systems

Pricing Plans

Tier 1

Tier 2

Tier 3




  • 3 PRT-A Groups (trains up to 30 people)
  • On-site training - 2-day event with an intense kick-off at your or Next Jump location
  • On-site training and ongoing tailored training program
  • 2 NYC Leadership Academy seats
  • 5 NYC Leadership Academy seats
  • 10 NYC Leadership Academy seats

Tier 1

  • 3 PRT-A training groups (up to 30 people)
  • 2 NYC Leadership Academy seats


Tier 2

  • On-site training - 2-day event with an intense kick-off at your or Next Jump location
  • 5 NYC Leadership Academy seats


Tier 3

  • On-site training & a tailored ongoing training program
  • 10 NYC Leadership Academy seats


How Do You Measure Personal Growth?

Our DevelopmentalGPS tool can quantify your thinking patterns, gaps in awareness and areas of balance/imbalance which directly impact your decision making. We will use this tool to measure your growth progression through your training and help to provide insights

From the assessment, you will get quantifiable scores on:

  • Your Top Strength and Area of Improvement
  • How to improve your setup of Brilliant In The Basics
  • Your affinity for Thinking vs Execution

Supercharge Your Decision Making

@ Next Jump NYC Human Performance Lab

Upgrading decision making requires personal growth. However, personal growth is hard, and made complicated by physical distance, ease of avoidance, and lack of truth in our environment. Next Jump Leadership Academy is an invite-only, full-immersion training workshop designed to share our unique insights on how to become a better decision makers. It is a crash course on:

Speed up your decision making: increase the speed you receive and process information

Optimise your environment: gain concrete tools and systems to eliminate distractions, increase speed of thinking and ability to make strategy

1-on-1 coaching: unlock key personal insights on your self-awareness to accelerate your personal growth

Designed By A Deliberately Developmental Organization (DDO)

Our Coaching Programs are powered by Next Jump, one of three companies globally recognized by Harvard as a "Deliberately Developmental Organization" or "DDO," or company that puts learning at the heart of their corporate culture and strategy.

Next Jump has been at the forefront of leadership in practice for over 25 years, training and collaborating with thought leaders across industry including Military, Education, Sports, Medicine, Non-Profit and F1000.